Étudiants, Chercheurs

There are several French tests and certificates to prove your level of French. They may sometimes be required when you enrol in an institute of higher education.

The TCF (Test de Connaissance du Français Test of Knowledge of French) is the official test of the Ministry of National Education. Designed by France Education International (FEI), some tests may be taken online and by correspondence in certain countries. The TCF scores are valid for two years.

The TEF (Test d'Evaluation du français French Assessment) is an international reference created and distributed by the CCI of Paris Ile-de-France. It assesses the level of knowledge and skill in French on a scale of 0 to 7. It is available in an electronic version, and the result is immediate. You can sit the TEF as many times as you like.

The DELF and the DALF (Diplôme d’Etudes en Langue Française (French Language Study Diploma) and the Diplôme Approfondi de Langue Française (Further French Language Diploma)) are official diplomas awarded by the Ministry of National Education. They incorporate six independent diplomas that certify to the holder's ability in the four areas of language competence. They are valid indefinitely. Unlike the tests, the DELF and DALF are acquired for life.

The DUEF (Diplôme Universitaire d’Etudes françaises), developed and harmonized by ADCUEFE’s Campus FLE network of university centers for French as a foreign language, specify the level reached by the end of the program. They include instruction explicitly designed for students intending to begin a program of academic study in France.


You can take your DELF/DALF examinations at the Centre Franco-Omanais in Muscat, as well as your TEF examinations. Register online or contact CFO :



When you register for TEF at CFO, you can get a one-year free access to an online training for a high-quality TEF preparation (you can choose the date of the exam later, whenever you feel like you are ready to take it) !

For registration to the online training, please email us at certifications@cfoman.org

For more info about the e-learning platform: https://prepmyfuture.com/en/student_guide

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