
There are 300 million Francophones around the world. Learning the language can open a great number of new cultural and professional horizons for you. Use your stay in France to learn French.

Why learn French?

It will always be useful to know how to speak and write French, even after you leave France. 300 million people speak French around the world, and in nearly 30 countries, French is an official language, either by law or in practice.

French is also the language of diplomacy: it is one of the work and official languages of the UN and many international organisations such as the European Union and the Red Cross.

In France, there are over 1,400 higher education programmes in English. So you don't have to learn French to complete your studies in France and obtain a degree. Nonetheless, even if you are taking courses in English, you will still be living in France. Speaking French, at least to some extent, enables you to more easily integrate your community and to enjoy your stay even more.


Learning French in Oman

Discover the Centre Franco-Omanais !

Founded in 1979 through bilateral cooperation agreements between the Sultanate of Oman and the French Republic, the Centre Franco Omanais offers, French courses in Muscat, training in French as a foreign language, and cultural activities, You will also find a library and the Campus France office.

The CFO works under the authority of the Omani Ministry of Education and the French Embassy in Oman.


You can also practice your French online!

  • To become familiar with French and the French culture, watch TV5 Monde, the international Francophone channel. On the Apprendre platform, it offers interactive exercises adapted to all levels of French learners.
  • RFI Savoirs, the Francophone radio station, has exercises, informative dossiers and shows to help you learn and teach French.


Learn French in France!

You can learn French in a large number of training centres in France. Adapted to beginners and also higher levels, for a short or long stay, you will find the class best-suited to you.

To ensure you learn French in the right conditions, we suggest the centres labelled "qualité FLE" (FFL quality). This certification for French training centres is a guarantee of quality linguistic training. You will find the list of these centres on the catalogue of short programmes and summer schools published by Campus France.

You can also choose to learn French at the university, in the ADCUEFE’s Campus FLE network of university centers for French as a foreign language.

For more information on this subject, download the mobile application Immersion France which has all the information you will need for to learn French in France.


The French+Sciences program

Developed by Campus France, in partnership with French Language Centers (FLE), French+Sciences is a short-term language and scientific study program in advanced technological sectors.

French+Sciences is designed for English-speaking international students enrolled at a science and technology university, even if they are total beginners in French.

The French+Sciences Program offers 3– to 4–week stays organized by FLE Centers under the “FLE Quality” label. Sessions are available in several cities throughout France.

Each stay focuses on a specific scientific topic:  Sustainable Development (Montpellier), Science and Technology of the Sea (Brest), Micro and Nanotechnology for Industrial Applications (Besançon), and Transportation and Energy (Rouen).

Session Details

French+Sciences program sessions are held primarily in English, with some French learning modules.

  • Activities in English: Visits to companies and laboratories, presentations on engineering programs, and thematic debates.

  • Activities in French: French language lessons.

Some sessions allow students to earn ECTS credits.



Suivez les grandes étapes pour venir étudier en France
